Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
William Henry E10-2
So Strider knives have been growing on me, I dig the Baby huey and the SNG or whatever it's called.
I want something bigger than my small sebenza and figured these are the ticket.
I also really dig their divi camo blades, cool shit.
Anyone have any experience with these?
More so I'm interested in the Concealed Carry vs Regular knives and how much of a difference that makes.
I had an SnG for a long time. It's a nice knife. It's not as "refined" as a Sebenza. Lock up is solid, the action in the pivot isn't as smooth. The digicamo blades are nice, I don't believe the finish ever wears off. I've handled the concealed carry and owned the regular one. The concealed carry gets my vote, it's slimmer in the pocket and won't wear out your jeans from taking it out of your pocket. I found that the regular was abrasive and would tear up the pockets over time. That being said, the regular is very classic Strider. The owners of Strider are nice guys too, I've hung out with them quite a few times
The one thing that I really like about the Striders over Sebenzas is the heat treat for their steel. Even though they're using the same steel (or at least they used to), the Striders kept an edge for much longer without needing a sharpening. That comes in handy if you're using your knife A LOT between sharpenings or you're sharpening incompetent
Love the William Henry!!!
CRK will just send you a new clip
Here's a little more Williams Henry love or y'all
^thats a beauty
Shrade knife base (made in Japan) hand made handle by Ken Haught
Ichiro Hattori Higonokami Folder
Benchmade 480 Shoki Nakamura Design
Chris Reeve Small Sebenza
William Henry E10-2 -
^you love your Spyderco
Shoki comes w/ this:
^you love your Spyderco
I actually used to really dislike the way Spydercos looked (actually, still kind of do), until I got a Persistence and an Ambitious a couple months ago for our two cars (to put into the emergency kits). At 30 bucks a piece, hard to go wrong, right?
Was really impressed with the build quality and THAT EDGE. With a stropped edge, competes with some of my full custom knives
My son bought me one of these for Christmas
It's really unusual I get knocked on my ass with the quality of a knife, but this one has done it at 1/4 the price of a Sebenza