IHSH-100 - 17oz Hairline Duck CPO Shirt/Jacket
What's the feel like on this one?
Birkenstock and ANON socks do feel pretty good
If I handed scooped up the 99 I would def be all over this in the blue!
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Great look (from the heel up)!
@Anesthetist it feels great!!! It´s stiff, crispy, stubborn and soft at the same time. You can´t capture the fabric on any pictures.
@rocket I really like! -
You should have put it on…
::) ::)
Looks awesome on you!
This Thread needs more pictures! -
Quick toilet snap… -
@Giles I'm normally a size bigger than what you model and I note you model an XL in this. When you do this I normally size up to XXL. But the measurements for the XL don't seem very much smaller than a XL 64 or 67, for example. Does this work more like the 105/106 despite the lack of lining? I ask because there is a second hand XL for sale on the forum which I'm considering…
I'm not sure I would call it fabric
it's some kind of protective device….it's a heavy