As they are having a sample sale in NY next weekend, I’m trying to figure out my size. I wear a 7 in Red Wing, and an 8 in sneakers so would I be a 7 in the Service Boots? Already anticipating a long wait in line but hoping to score something good!
I wear the same size in RW as all of my Vibergs. 2030 last isn’t as wide as some of the other lasts, but still fit well.
The sample sale 5-6 years ago is how I got hooked on Viberg. I still wear my first pair all the time.
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@David_pll I wear an 8.5 in Viberg Hikers and Engineers. For reference I am a 9 in RW Iron Rangers and Wesco.
My theory on the more frequent 'Sample Sales' is a combination of an increase in popularity and available models combined with Viberg's somewhat poor reputation for making construction mistakes. To their credit they are finding these mistakes and selling them at these sales rather than at full price.
Good buddy of mine is closing his shop here in StL and had a pair or two of snuff Chelseas left. I’m not a huge fan of the Gloxi soles but I’ll give them a try and if they dont work out I’ll resole them down the line. They are insanely comfortable and sneaker-like and easy to pop on. Got them for a good deal and am looking forward to breaking them in.
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^I absolutely love those… I love the Gloxi sole... I realise that's probably an unpop-op but what the hey... Great score, Anesthesist...
And I just picked up me new Vibbies at work... They are absolutely FABULOUS... Fit like a glove (already have a pair of 8/ 2030 last so knew they would), 98% new, and sleek/ stylish as fuck.
Bring on winter...
These hot summer days have me pining for cold weather… And heavy clothing...
[/quote]Me too…
@Filthy Just for reference, I generally wear a 10.5 or 11 in running shoes. I have some 2045 service boots in size 9, and they fit wonderfully. They started a little tight across the top of my feet, but I have a high instep to begin with. Hope you enjoy them!
What leather are these, please? I need some!
Looks like bison to me
Hard to beat the relaxing effect of lying in a hammock with your feet up after a two hour bike ride up the mountains.
These IHxViberg hikers have become my motorcycle companions as they are still the best fit for my slowly de-swelling right foot. I bought them off @Appfaff and they quickly proved themselves a great buy.