Anyone here play video games?
I will be once its released on the 360
Looks awesome though!
After The PSN got hacked a few months ago as part of their welcome back package, you can choose 2 free games. I think there's also 30 days free on the Playstation Plus service.
As a consequence, I'm currently playing WipEout HD.
I was loving Uncharted 3 beta until it ended. Uncharted is such a great series.
So many games to choose from: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 3, Dead Space 2, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, Portal 2, Infamous 2. Not enough hours on the day.
i feel and see myself playing call of duty more and more these past few days…. someone get online and lets frag fools together! psn:deadendpro
My PSN is derivative666
Been playing Braid on PS3 these past days, can anyone recommend similar games?
Man SO many good games coming out this fall i don't know how i'm going to afford to eat between games and new IH purchases
What games are people looking forward to in the next few months?
Uncharted 3 & Resistance 3