Anyone here play video games?
Officially cracked, buying a PS4 tomorrow
Didn't need to crack, Pam bought us a "family" PS4
Currently addicted to "The Last Of Us"…..speak to you all in 6 months when it's complete
Didn't need to crack, Pam bought us a "family" PS4
Currently addicted to "The Last Of Us"…..speak to you all in 6 months when it's complete
If it's anything like the Uncharted series, its a quick and satisfying rip through the game.
Currently addicted to "The Last Of Us"….
I have that here, haven't played it yet, and need something to tide me over til the new MGS is dropped… Mmmm...
^ I almost bought a Play Station just so I could experience "The Last of Us." By all accounts it's amazing.
I can thoroughly recommend "Wolfenstein: the New Order". It's pulpy, brilliantly violent and has surprisingly well-drawn and crafted characters. On top of this, you get to kill Nazi space marines on the moon. How is that not cool?
After killing a bunch of Nazis in Wolfenstein I then like to crank up Company of Heroes 2 and play as the Nazis. One balances out the other.
I am frikkin loving The Last Of Us, it's set in a post apocalyptic zombie infested world just like my home town….. Oh the fantasies of a kill crazed rampage
^really enjoyed it as well never finished it. Need to revisit the remastered version.
Seriously enjoying new 3DS XL
Bloodborne!!! Get it now!
I just bought Destiny #slowlycatchingup
Played the demo of Blood Borne, it's A LOT like Dark Souls.
Since wolfenstein just sounds cool and qinhan recommended it, I looked up some videos on youtube and fuck. That game looks amazing! And i hate 1st person shooters!
Still waiting for mgs5, mgs4 was amazing, even though i knew nothing about metal gear and hardly play video games (and NO recent ones). i got high hopes!
Yes just like Dark Souls. Bloodborne is a fucking nightmare. The game drives you to the edge of insanity and back. Why do I do this to myself???
Anyone playing the new cops and robbers Battlefield? The new "heist" mode is pretty hard to start with, but after you get the basics its heaps of fun. Have not touched the story mode yet, just been playing multiplayer.