Iron Heart Roll Call
i'm a little bit short on the jeans side . . . and yes I do mean that both ways, before any wise-arse (Seul) jumps in . . . so maybe need to remedy that like you've done
I think I'm shorter than you are , Geo!.. I'm 5'75/ 175 cms… Also: that's an incredible list, espécially taking into account you've really started just 5 months ago...
I'm impressed Geo…Please do post some pics of that vast array of IH gear.
I'm impressed Geo…Please do post some pics of that vast array of IH gear.
thanks blackheart - think it pales in comparison to some others here, and certainly to your collection of denim and leather . . . but i'm a happy wee soul with what i have so far
anyways - i'll try and up the quota of pics i'm posting
I think I can update accurately to:
IH-03JIHB-01 (black)
IHB-02 (tan)IH-MkI (x2)
IHT-Plain (x3)
IHF-2011 MkIIIH-Tote (hickory)
IH rein altered to bracelet (non standardised IH product) -
And when did you start your IH collection Seul?
Excellent! I too have made that vow. Now, if I can just get my roommate to relinquish his closet…