Hard Drinkers, Lets Drink Hard (Spirits, Liquors and Cocktails)
^ Savage
For the John Collins:
2.5 oz Genever
1 oz lime juice
3/4 oz simple syrupShake with ice, pour into tall glass with ice, top off with club soda.
You could probably get away with just building the drink directly into the glass, but if you're gonna make yourself a fresh cocktail you may as well take the time. Using "Old Tom" gin would make it a Tom Collins. Some recipes specify lemon juice and just sugar. You'll see "John" made with whiskey nowadays, but the barrel aged genever is quite whiskey-like, and what they would have had for gin back when this was a "punch" (thus the lack of bitters), and back when punch was something people drank. Apparently the genesis of the drink name was a prank that ran thus:
Local chaps drinking at a bar
Notice a non-local walking in
After a few drinks, tell non-local that a guy named "Tom Collins" was talking shit about him, and that Mr. Collins was now at a bar down the street
Man is sent, fuming, to new bar
Other locals, in on the joke, either send him further afield or point out an unsuspecting wretch as the aforesaid gentleman
Apparently this prank only resulted in a few deaths…
For the amaretto coffee...pour some amaretto in your coffee. Especially helpful if your daughter's been sick and is being an annoying little jerk.
1oz dark rum
1oz brandy
1oz lime juice
1/2oz orange juice
1/2oz simple syrupShake with ice.
Pretty darn good, nothing earth shattering. The Koaloa rum I’m using is phenomenal, so that helps. Ran out of limes so tried with lemon; limes are better.
__I never take risk while drinking
When I come from office in the evening, wife is cooking
I can hear the noise of utensils in the kitchen
I stealthily enter the house
Take out the bottle from my black cupboard
Shivaji Maharaj is looking at me from the photo frame
But still no one is aware of it
Becoz I never take a riskI take out the glass from the rack above the old sink
Quickly enjoy one peg
Wash the glass and again keep it on the rack
Of course I also keep the bottle inside my cupboard
Shivaji Maharaj is giving a smileI peep into the kitchen
Wife is cutting potat! oes
No one is aware of what I did
Becoz I never take a riskI: Any news on chopra's daughter's marriage
Wife: Nope, she doesn't seem to be that lucky. Still they are looking
out for herI again come out; there is a small noise of the black cupboard
But I don't make any sound while taking out the bottle
I take out the glass from the old rack above sink
Quickly enjoy one pegWash the bottle and keep it in the sink
Also keep the Black Glass in the cupboard
But still no one is aware of what I did
Becoz I never take a riskI: But still I think chopra's daughter's age is not that much
Wife: What are you saying? She is 28 yrs old… like an aged horse
I: (I forgot her age is 28) Oh Oh...I again take out potatoes out from my black cupboard
But the cupboard's place has automatically changed
I take out the bottle from the rack and quickly enjoy one peg in the sinkShivaji Maharaj laughs loudly
I keep the ra! ck in the potatoes & wash Shivaji Maharaj's photo & keep
it in the black cupboardWife is keeping the sink on the stove
But still no one is aware of what I did
Becoz I never take a riskI: (getting angry) you call Mr. chopra a horse? If you say that again, I
will cut your tongue...!
Wife: Don't just blabber something, go out and sit quietly...I take out the bottle from the potatoes
Go in the black cupboard and enjoy a peg
Wash the sink and keep it over the rack
Wife is giving a smileShivaji Maharaj is still cooking
But still no one is aware of what I did
Becoz I never take a riskI: (laughing) So chopra is marrying a horse!!
Wife: Hey go and sprinkle some water on your face...I again go to the kitchen, and quietly sit on the rack
Stove is also on the rack!
There is a small noise of bottles from the room outsideI peep and see that wife is enjoying a peg in the sink
But none of the horses are aware of what I did
Becoz Shivaji Maharaj never takes a riskchopra is still cooking
And I am looking at my wife from the photo and laughing
Becoz I never take what???(Simply excellent!)__
Currently working, staying across the street from Universal Orlando Studios. Night I got here on the 14th, I had a Svedka vodka drink, that the hotel charged me $18.65 including tip which was included. Next day, I bought a bottle of Vodka for $18.00. Still sipping on it.
Picked up a bottle of this oddity today. The distiller suggested using it in place of Campari in a Negroni…
Made a dirty snowman tonight
Got the idea from a Huckberry email. Original recipe was too sweet. My recipe:
4 oz Old Rasputin (up from 3 oz)
1 oz brandy (down from 1.25 oz)
2 tsp simple (down from 1/2 oz)
splash coconut milk (as directed)Shake brandy/simple with ice, pour in goblet. Top with beer. Top with coconut milk.
I omitted the garnish (supposed to be hazelnuts and coco nibs), because I aint got no time. Also omitted the in-glass ice because rasputin says no.
Has a cement mixer quality to it, with the coconut milk float. A good way to get tipsy on a single bottle of stout, since one makes 3 of the above. I've had two and can certainly feel things sloooowwwing dowwwwnnnnnn. Also you'd better go imperial stout with this one. They recommend simply "dark beer" but dopplebock will be cloying, and barleywine/scotch is right out.
I give it a B-. I mean Old Rasputin is fine drinking as is. Doesn't seem worth the clean-up, and I'm really not sure how the coconut milk* really adds anything. Its tendency to float atop means you really only get it in the last sip or two despite your best efforts.
*I used to chug a full can of coconut milk after workouts, so I'm completely familiar with drinking the stuff. Just don't see how it really adds much to this drink, and I ascribe to this axiom: perfection is not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to remove.
2 oz Gin
1/2 oz Maraschino
1/2 oz lemon juice
shake with iceA solid drink. Highly dependent on which gin you use, obviously. I have a few at the moment, most notably Letherbee autumnal release (2016). That was my preference here, followed by Tanqueray. I also tried Hendricks, which is a phenomenal gin for many purposes, but didn't stand up to the Luxardo Maraschino. Although I should note that my wife preferred the Hendricks, so there's no accounting for taste, I guess. As an aside I've made a mental note to pick up a brand of maraschino called Maraska which is said to be less boisterous.
If you've been following my drink odyssey, I rank them in the following order…
John collins
Bolero (although I think this could be improved with brandy/orange selection)
Coffee + amaretto
Dirty Snowman -
Holy cow I'm such an eejit… I ordered it at work, and it said "Jim Beam White Label", so I figured it'd be something special...
Made to the same formula since 1795, this giant of the category is aged for four years in oak barrels to create a smooth, mellow taste with hints of spice.
So yeah I guess I just ordered the regular version… I'll grab a bottle of FOUR ROSES then...
Rowans creek bourbon.
its between 28-34 us at the places ive purchased it. im not sure which sites youre looking at. unless i missed a post by you. ive gone back and looked though. im learning.