Where does everyone live?
I currently reside in Mason City, Iowa, smack dab in the middle of the mighty Midwest of the United States of America!
Any other Iowans here?This forum is great…
Born in Munich,Bavaria,Germany, but meanwhile also living in Stockholm with my family.
Thank you very much.I really fee welcomed her and I am happy to be a new member her.All the best to you all.
Hey Guys,
First post on here so hope it works. I’m from UK just east of London Town. Fan of denim and boots, Brompton bikes and tea and cake. By day I’m a freelance snapper and by night I veg out with a book and some music. Father to a teenager which I keeps me young! Today I’m sporting my Mister Lou’s, 555 01s and a snug parka as I’m working outside. Looking forward to joining in hereorting
@WeirdowithaBeardo Boots and jeans look spot on. Welcome man!
Welcome. Hope to see you here:
Hello peeps, thought it timely to pop up and say hi. I live in Hertfordshire, on the outskirts of Bishops Stortford (UK). November 2019, my wardrobe turned green with envy, the day I returned with my first Iron Heart purchase, a pair of self supporting IH-555-XHS. Those jeans are 'disruptors', single handedly annihilating the denim rotation I had in place and proving the phrase, 'nothing worthwhile is easy' Top stuff Iron Heart and for redefining my understanding of the word quality.
Cheers, GC
Thanks! Those are Chippewa 25405 Super Loggers.https://www.chippewaboots.com/footwear/footwear/outdoor/logger/25405
Hi everyone,
I'm originally from Los Angeles but living in Berlin the last 20 years.
Big fan obviously of IH!
Looking forward to making my first purchase in the next week!