IHE-14 - Paraffin Coated Brown & Black Duck and Vinyl lined 21oz Indigo
Snowy, I feel ya… I'd like to feel that denim bag also...
- 2 months later
- 16 days later
- 19 days later
- about a month later
Are the denim or more black if these coming back in stock G or Madme BH?
Cool ok G. Thanks mate.
- 2 months later
- about a month later
oh she's softened, think i'm going to give a wash soon. . . .
Even Monday can't keep it stiff that long.
- about a month later
Received this back from Monday.. When MOnday said she softened, i thought she did. But i reckon Mondays 'soft' is on a diff level as he always been. Monday must be a fighter as this is still stiff and unbreakable.
hehehehe.. I can say that Monday can keep em stiff Chris.
Again, thanks Sir MOnday..
Freshly cleaned and hand washed.
- 29 days later
- 2 years later
- 4 months later
- 13 days later