Introduce Yourself Here
Thanks for the kind welcome and the quick response.
Off to buy some saddle soap…
Solid pickup @seven7 , I love my ihsh-246, insisting on wearing it a couple times a week even though it's been way too hot. Welcome to the forum!
I've been alternating between a busted pair of old Edwin jeans, my IH double knee overalls, or my 25oz XHS. This has been the summer of sweating in Annapolis
What’s this boyfriend style Jean I hear so much about? She had better be very sneaky or exceedingly quick or both.
Hello Giles,
“Uncle Lenny” here. I’m living in Virginia Beach and the size 44W 25oz 777-XHSib are an almost perfect fit for now. There is plenty of room in the waist, more than enough in the hips and rear. These will be the pants I’ll be able to drive the 5 and a 1/2 hours to Jersey in (New Jersey, U.S. not Old Jersey U.K.) and move furniture in, do construction, climb ladders and telephone poles in. I’ll name these my Winter pair, or “Fat Lenny” pair. Once I walk into the ocean for about an hour or so they’ll be perfect. Of course I’ll have to walk around in the sun for about 6-10 hours until they’re dry but it’ll be fun. I have a pair of 40W 25oz IH-634-XHS in size 40 from 2015 that I broke in just right and I can still squeeze into. The key word is squeeze. The fit is tight in the waist and hips but I can still button them all the way up. I may not be able to sit or drive for a long period of time in them but I can stand and walk around in themjust fine. They’ll be my Fall/Autumn pair for when I start putting on weight. I’ll call them my Model Lenny pair since I’ll only be able to stand up straight
and pose in them. The size 40W 25oz IH-666-XHS are a lost cause this year but ten pounds from now I should be back in them by next summer. The fit on me is very tight in the waist and hips and I can’t button the top two buttons anymore. Damn you Covid-19!!! You made me fat during lockdown. Anyway, The Skinny Twin! That’s what I’ll call them! That’s how you’ll be able to tell the difference between my twin brother and myself. (Thank goodness he can’t fit into any of my jeans. Haha, I win.) I need one more pair to round out my seasons and then I’ll be good. The pair I have my eye on are the 25oz IH-888-XHSib. The only thing I’m not sure of in the fit. Are they as relaxed as the triple 7’s? If so I would need a 42 when the come back in stock. It will be the Spring pair. (Spring Chicken Lenny?) I’ll have to work on a better name for those. You have until March 20th, 2022, the first day of Spring to get them back in stock or I’ll have to starve myself. I want to thank you again for the jeans and all the work you guys are doing. I never thought wearing clothes could be exciting and such a joyful experience for me again.
Hi there @japanboxer good to see and hear you…...
The 888 is a more relaxed fit than the 777. I was going to post a link to a comparison, but in so doing, I noticed we don't include measurements for 42 and 44. Once we get that fixed, I'll mail you a link to the comparison
Hello there, I´m Michael from Germany.
I live in a small town near Münster.
After several years of discontent with the "big players" in Jeans, I decided it was time to move on and try something resilient and unique.
During a vacation in Rostock i discovered a store with "Japan Denim" (or what I think it is) and bought my first pair of denim from a competitor.
But I saw several Iron Hearts and I found myself thinking and thinking about those.
And so I took the plunge and ordered a pair of 634 in 21 oz. But those were too "roomy" for my legs and I changed to 666 in 21 oz.
I am looking forward the first days of wearing them and for those fadings I saw in the store in Rostock.
I like the forum and hope to discover something new.
Kind regards Michael
Welcome on board @Michael S. Pleased to have you here, and you are sure to enjoy your new jeans.
Hi Michael, I am assuming you mean Blue anchor Rostock, we love those guys. Welcome…
Hello Giles, yes that is right.
Nice store with lots of great stuff.
Hello there, I´m Michael from Germany… …near Münster.
Hi Michael,
Nice to meet you here. Welcome to the Forum. Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin [emoji106][emoji119] -
Hello Iron Heart Fellas,
happy to join you in the forum and thanks to Giles for inviting me.
I live in Salzburg/Austria as most of you know as the Mozart Down. Think there are not that much Austrians in the forum.How so ever i´m in the iron heart game already a few years but did my first purchase from
the guys in gosport last month and was really happy with their customer service and the fast shipment.Unfortunatelly here in austria we don’t have any shops do buy iron heart directly (Saddly also Iron Heart Vienna formerly know as “The Low Down on denim” isn´t any more)
but thanks to the guys in gosport and their retailers like Brund,Burg & Schild….its not that difficult to get the iron heart stuff.I read along the forum since a while but now I thougt that it would be a good idea to join it since it`s a really great and simpatic place to share our passion which its not only cloth but also the other good things in life.Thanks for having me here and greetings from Salzburg
Alex -
@Alex78 welcome dude
Hello everyone,
My name is Chris and I live in Toronto, Canada. Im a hydraulics technician by trade (for the last 16 years) and opened my own rebuild shop about 4 years go. We do our own welding and machining in house as well as the rebuild side.
I love tinkering on old motorcycles and cars. I do leather work as a hobby (motorcycle seats, bags, wallets etc).
Though I'm new to Iron Heart, and have been aware of the brand for many years, I'd yet to pull the trigger on my first item. I've been into clothes since I was 21 (36 now). Really enjoy brands like Viberg, Alden, Barbour, Filson, APC etc. Mainly boots/shoes and jackets. I didn't really invest in quality clothing items as I would find that my clothing, no matter how carful I was, would always end up with grease or oil stains. I'm not a fan of that kind of "patina"…it just looks sh*t. I don't even work in my street clothes! I wear a uniform. Yet somehow every item I own would have a smear of something petroleum based lol.
However, the other day, after many hours browsing the forum and listening to every podcast 2 or 3 times over, I just said fu*k it and pulled the trigger on my first piece of IH gear. The IHSH-300-RED size XXL. Ive got a pair of 888s on the way as well. The fit of the shirt is exactly what I was after. At 6'1" and 220 lbs I'm a bit of a thick guy so the XXL looked to be the best option.
Ok enough from me. I look forward to being part of this tight knit community; contributing where I can.
The shirt looks solid on you man, and you nailed it with the sizing.
Welcome @Skelly