Alright Chief! Or is that, Master Chief? Looking sharp, in any case. Forgive my ignorance
Just Chief
Thanks! I don't expect anyone to understand the Navy rank system. It's even confusing to the other 3 branches. haha.
looking good. . . . you've lost weight?
Pants look a touch long, Chief; is that regulation length?
And congratulations again on the promotion, by the way.
looking good. . . . you've lost weight?
Ha! I think I found some
Pants look a touch long, Chief; is that regulation length?
And congratulations again on the promotion, by the way.
Thanks Chris
Yeah, a touch long. Ugh. There were 80 of us that got fitted in one day, and there are a couple things that are a little off. It didn't help that the photographer was adjusting the break to look a certain way in the picture. Time to get hemmed!!!
looking good chief!! makes me remember my days in an army uniform.
the color of that cxl looks beautiful!!
looking good chief!! makes me remember my days in an army uniform.
Thanks for your service! Where did you serve?
Thanks for your service! Where did you serve?
i did my stint in the singapore armed forces. conscript army but nonetheless a meaningful experience. would've done an bilateral with the marines but unfortunately wasn't my unit.
Will Alden re-last boots? As in change from a Tribalance last to a narrower last?
^those look great by the way
^ true story.
thanks for sharing those images. they look awesome, what leather are they?