IHM-03 - Whipcord N1 Deck Jacket (Black & Olive)
Would be nice to see a navy N1 appear in 2013.
They really come back in 2013? Sounds great!!! Will save money
Really dig the jacket!
Merry Christmas to me!!
Whipcord Deck Jacket Olive Green / XL
Just ordered one of these from Selfedge. It will be my first IH piece. I can't wait!
Nice one man, you're starting with a bang !!
you do green or black?
**random, this looks very similar to the Stevenson joint SE is carrying.
I got black Mike.
I'd like to see the Olive in person, just not sure I could pull that color off.
The only complaint I have at all about this is the sherpa lining color. Wish it was grey or something of the like instead of brown. Just never been a fan of mixing brown and black but this jacket is superb in every other way
^ very cool bags, nice pick up.
marco thanks for pointing out the outer material used on the stevenson N1, i just looked at the images & kind of did a quick one-for-one & missed all those little details
Nice one man, you're starting with a bang !!
Thanks. It's a slippery slope. I already have my eye on so many other pieces. I need to pace myself…