Random Love (anti-rants)
Took a phone call out of the blue from Her Majesty's Customs and Excise (our tax people) today.
HRMC - "Hello this is HRMC, please don't be alarmed" (I was)
Me - "Erm Yes"
HRMC - "Did you just import some boots from Canada
Me - "Yes"
HRMC - They were valued extremely high, are you sure the declaration was correct?"
Me - "Well they are super expensive"
HRMC - "They certainly are. this is number I have (gives me number)"
Me - "That's about right, let me double check…......No in fact your number is a little high (he bullshits)"
HRMC - "OK, give me your number and we will use that"HOLY FECK........
Now that is how you get to the Maldives, awesome!!!
Hahaha, yeah. It's a beer koozie.
So I got a call today from my bootmaker; the pair I ordered are now ready- two months earlier than originally scheduled.
Mmmmm, new boots…
(Pictures being taken now, which will be posted later tonight)
Self Edge x High Life -
Good stuff hatchets are in!!!
guess this might gonna fit in here. Passed today one of the few local street living (not really homeless, but you know what I mean) lost fellows and thought, hey its Christmas time, so I gave him the 20 Euro I just had in hand anyway and wished him a good time… ... only to find like 10 minutes later 30 Euro in cash on the street....