2012 Edition - Iron Heart & Triple Works edition WAYWT
Marc Jacobs x New Era
IH-666-XHS -
Ruedi, Your Type III is not the overdyed one, it is the enzyme dyed superblack…..
Thanks Giles for correcting me about this jacket. I'm completely new in those kind of dyings
^And excellent style and fit pics Davito!!
Nice 702 man…have the same color on the way to me as we speak!
everyone is killing it today…
davito - you make that 37 (and the 702, and the boots!) look so well...too bad i couldn´t pull it off back in the days as i still called it my own!
alex - looks great as well...what´s the store? levis?
jordan - don´t feel sorry about the nikes mate. great outfit and a perfect fit on shirt&jeans...
Great pics guys! Jordan & Alex = Fantastic!
jordan - don´t feel sorry about the nikes mate. great outfit and a perfect fit on shirt&jeans…
Yup, Haraki wears Nike Frees so it's all good!
LOVE that shirt rocket!
Much love for the 38 Rocket.
Friday, as I said earlier in the Random Announcements threak, the best thing is that there is always more great shit to come with Iron Heart. Don't lament what you missed, look forward to all the future classics!