It very well could be an older link than I am familiar with. The only builder I ever played with featured a 40's Service Boot, and a 50's Service Boot, in addition to the Hikers, Oxfords, etc.. It didn't have the Semi Dress Service, the Navy Service, the 8" Service, or the Engineer. Also, the leathers are different from the one I previously used.
My first visit to their site was late November '12, so it is entirely possible that this is an older builder.
Although, if it were older, it wouldn't really make sense that it is partially completed. The leathers in this builder also line up with the recent samples provided by Viberg.
its the new builder
the naval boots interesting looking
the service boot still looks the same as always just they're showing it at a 8" height
i knew the semi dress was coming out as brett had sent me a pic of it in november
engineers were on the old builder
they need to add last options and heights to some boots in my eyes
i'm glad its going back up thou, totally missed playing with it -
So this is interesting:
^Viberg's new boot builder is online, but not on their site, yet. It isn't completed (probably why it's not on the site), and the pricing is WAY off; but it appears they have changed their model range. The service boots are definitely different – more like White's. I'm curious if anyone can shed any light on this...
It really looks like the old one to me, before they came out with the 1940 and 1950 Service Boots. And the prices just seem far too low for custom Vibergs. But I don't know for sure – just what it seems like...
check this link for better pics: -
Great classic looking boots Finn. Really dig the rich color.
Do most people have their boots lined? just about to place my order and Morgan pointed out the price difference.
$80 over 10% of the boot cost
Neither of my pairs are lined and I didn't even consider getting them lined. Didn't even know it was a possibility, actually.