IHSH-18 Viyella Check Western Shirt (Black, Red)
Fit Picture of cowsareforeating…
sorry for the crappy cell phone camera pic
Pics coming today.
get psyched!~
ps im not pregnant in the 3rd pic, it just decided to poof out.
IHSH-18 and TW-5310 PI
i need a nice camera
another better cell phone pic lol
Crap man that shirt is amazing… These should be brought back! Both colors... and maybe a third. I'd buy all three
Love that shirt, one of my fave "extinct" items…
oh the pre XXL days, makes me sniffle.
This is a bad ass shirt, wonder if i could find a gently used XL that I can fit into????
slum it slime,
i want to see this shirt in the flesh beat to hell. i have a children's bday pary on saturday & then i will be dropping off Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday at the yibes & running out to the city for super-laser-awesome-meet-up.
hey G you have this shirt no???
can you give me a fit flick of it & let me see how you beat it to hell. i beat it looks pretty badass with the SBGs
cowsareforeating & nameness let's see this beauty
i'll take it.
images that is
cowsareforeating & nameness let's see this beauty
PeteRock has both I believe…
we need another variation of this shirt please
cowsareforeating & nameness let's see this beauty
PeteRock has both I believe…
I wish I did. I only have the black one
any with an XL just hanging around . . . . i am on the prowl.
post up a fit petey
are these cut big or small per Iron Heart standards? found some larges at Gorilla & want to know if it is worth the risk