The Evolution of Iron Heart
@Daniel-San looks amazing mate
@Daniel-San wow that thing looks good!
@WhiskeySandwich lovely!! SBG and 21oz Indigo??
Is that the IH Tochigi belt? Looking very nice!
@Mizmazzle new SBG 888 and 21ib 888 from October. Gotta get the black caught up so I’m favoring the them. The belt is a natural veg from Mr. Lentz that I tried and failed to diy tea-core. Regardless of the failure, I still love it. Found an aftermarket brass buckle from BuckleGuy that I’m rocking too.
@WhiskeySandwich nice man. Looking stellar all around. It’s about the most satisfying feeling fading some denim. Not sure what it is. Kinda like, “look what a badass I am!!” Haha
@twin said in The Evolution of Iron Heart:
@Oaktavia This is a gazebo were a house use to be in the park. They got this land when the old woman died.
How old was the woman?