What's your favorite Beer?
I know it's not Belgian, or brewed by Monks in a 2000 year old building, up a mountain, using squeezed otters, but since getting back from NYC I cannot stop drinking Blue Moon…...thank you Doug Ng
What kind of man are you? Drinking some fruity American beer, instead of a good manly one, like Stella.
I bet you don't even wear decent track suits…
Stella may be Belgian, but it aint brewed by Monks. I heard it was made by mental patients and heroin addicts, in vats made from the scrotums of terrorists.
I heard it was made by mental patients and heroin addicts
So brewed in your hometown?
They sure as fuck make it in the UK!..
Says a man who I would bet has never had "Brewed in the UK, under license" Stella before :o
I hope I don't disappoint if I don't disagree
All we lack are the scrotums of terrorists, we have to import those
There's no way I can pick a favorite, but here's some of my favoriteS:
Bell's: Hopslam
Founders: Backwoods Bastard and Devil Dancer
Dogfish Head: Palo Santo Marron, Midas Touch, and World Wide Stout
Trappiste Rochefort 10
Avery: Samael's Oak Aged Ale and Uncle Jacob's Stout
Pipeworks: End of Days StoutI could go on for quite a while longer, really.