The Flat Head
Might as well throw this one while at it
@Kasi what a jacket
hope I’ve got the funds for the type 3 when it lands
Ooofff is there any info about the upcoming leather type 3 available yet?
Got good news and bad news.
Bad news I seen the Flat Head SS25, nothing on there, seen some 20oz t’s though.
Good News is keep saving could be end of the year unless they drop it out of the blues.
By the way I did buy these two for now
@Kasi thanks for the info, more time to save then
@seawolf said in The Flat Head:
@Kasi said in The Flat Head:
@twin the jeans are pronto
Have the four amigos now
Flat Head, Fine Creek, Real McCoys Iron Heart
Now may aim at Y2
What about Double Helix?
Freewheeler another good one
for many Freewheelers are the absolut best in therms of quality. But not easy to get and even more expensive