New Office - Next Level
Looks amazing and sounds fantastic!!!
Fantastic IH developments, feels like you've been waiting a while for this [emoji4]
So… Are we having a F&C this year? [emoji4]
Ahh I see.. Let's hope we can come, F&C got scuppered for us last year
Love it, especially the display racks….
Todays booty…..
Roller for the Boule Court
Beautiful seasoned English Oak
Agricultural thingy to turn into display racksand there will be more on the way tommorow along with some other goodies
@Madame Buttonfly and I went into the office today. The mission was to complete the Boule Court boundary with the railway sleepers we bought. We started to move some of the detritus in the existing "shed" and whilst the stuff was piled up out the front waiting for me to get the Land Rover, I noticed what looked like a nest. Of course it did turn out to be a nest - a Robin's nest complete with fledglings in it. We moved the chair, that was host to the nest back to where it came from. We were met with two extremely agitated feeding adults not knowing what the hell was going on, so we decided that a complete retreat from the yard was the best course of action.
Todays achievements. A family of very pissed off Robins and zero Boule Court built….
^ Hilarious!