It's not the soles. it's the whole lower portion of the boots. And no, he didn't want them to turn black - he just got carried away thinking he was "protecting" them - and now a previously gorgeous pair of boots look like shit now, imo. Blows my mind - why treat a brand new pair of boots at all… my packers are the same leather and it's an oily soft leather in the base case.
And thanks for lead on the buckles - I will follow up.
nice build @Bluegrass
not a fan of the treads for soles but the lowered heel looks awesomesauce
sorry bout your friend & his boots. i think the leather is more likely than not just super soaked & they are going 2 have 2 "dry-out" naturally & as they do they will regain a bit of the original color. maybe he should contact the good folks @ WESCO & they can give him a bit more sound advice? suckz when u sooo hyped to get something & then u goof & do something like that.
here's my
a$$holemonday question. does he just soak the other boot so at least they matchbut i'm serious, oh & images wouldn't hurt as a warning 2 others
Thanks Monday, they do look super soaked with oil - both boots are the same, the shafts are the original brown, and the over-soaked lowers are black. It's like he "accidentally" created a pair of two-tones. But they don't look good to me, they are seriously over-treated. And it's already been about a week since he did it, and they are still black.
Bluegrass, if you want the buckles that Ben posted email Okuyama-san: scip-evo@hukurokuju.com
The price isn't bad but you have to pay for shipping from Japan. You could also contact Brian the Bootmaker. he has some really nice brass buckles. I'm not sure if he is selling them separately or only with his boots, but it's worth asking…
And Zip Stephenson has some sweet buckles as well. I'm not sure what his email address is.
Blows my mind - why treat a brand new pair of boots at all…
QFT…. Poor guy though. Some people just get carried away trying to love and nurture the things they care about
I think the boots will dry out with some wear. It may take a while, but I think the oil will work itself out over time. As long as he stops adding more oil to them!
I think his boots will get better with time. Either that or the rest of the boot may darken a little to decrease the contrast.
@madmonday suggested I post as a warning about over-treating boots:
Before, right out of the box from Wesco…
After, with several treatments with boot oil…
Well, I think it will look better when your friend will oil the rest of the boot.
That is the reason why I love, yeah I LOVE Obenaufs LP. It smells good, it does it job and dont dark up your boots when it´s fully dried. -
Yeah, those are pretty terrible.
I think a lot of people read stuff on the internet about how "necessary" it is to treat boots and then, as a result, ruin them with too much product. A good pair of boots doesn't need anything until they've been through some shit, (literal or figurative) and even then, they don't need much.
Poor guy… He definitely fell into the trap of unnecessarily slathering stuff on his boots. This is the exact reason why you should hardly ever treat quality leather...
That said, I don't think they look terrible. I'm honestly a little surprised.... Could be a professional dye job. Lol
I think it looks horrible - but they were stunning before he started fucking with them, so I have that bias.
I am hoping for his sake they will dry out and lighten up - but I think it's possible whatever he put on them may have stripped off the original brown dye. Time will tell.
I'd think lined engineer boots would feel like you're wearing braces! Btw those are lookin great. Standard Boss last, correct?
Agreed. Unlined for comfort and shaft collapse (women love when that happens).
…..takin it?
Are those steeltoe?