IHPS-01 - Ultra Heavy Short-Sleeved Polo Shirt
I really like these.
Glad to see more "lifestyle" products. . . no idea why I used " ", hahaha
Did you go with the XLs @neph93?
Went with M but changed my mind and sized up to L. Probably for the best, but they also seem rather long. Still, I'm excited. I've bought a grey to pair with duck and denim and a black to wear with my 666PQ
Damn this went fast! I guess I'll have to wait till the next run.
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Did self edge take any of these?
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These look great. First Polo I've been interested in since forever ago.
@Giles if the Bell logo is removed are they still returnable?
Really hope there is a rerun of these or that other vendors are getting some as well.