IHSH-177 - 18oz Selvedge Denim CPO Shirt - Indigo
@Filthy25ozJunkie, thanks for posting your practical experience!
Perfect fit @marlin
Great combo too!
I think you've encouraged me to soak my large–get the 'new' denim look out and maybe soften her up a bit.Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
@Dishelveled, thanks!
My sincere apologies in advance, for being so ugly.
4 total day's wear. Pro-tip: when you wash your hands, instead of using a towel to dry… ...dry your hands on your sleeve combs.
This shirt seems to be a fast fader. I saw a dramatic fade today after wearing it at work under flame retardant coveralls.
Wow, thanks.
@filthy25ozjunkie looking good
show us full picture of the cpo
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Only have this one from behind.
This is some serious stuff !!
Looking goodSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Now that I've got this broken in; this is quickly becoming my favorite shirt ever. Love the selvedge detail here and how it looks with my 21oz double knee loggers. Absolutely love how hairy the denim is too.
Looks really good @Filthy25ozJunkie , like so good it's on my radar.
@marlin , that fit looks stellar. I can't see how it can be loose enough to get a hoodie under and still look that fitted?!
Thank you
Looks like a stellar fit with the hoddie, too.
I have to admit, I didn't think there was room either, after how well/fitted it looks in the first photos.And those arm combs! Damn!
Thinking about warm soaking mine in the shower and wearing it dry.Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk