What WERE You Wearing - Fit Pics From The Past
@Mizmazzle oh for sure, I'm sober as a pickle these days
@Danimal506 hell yeah dude Black Sabbath rules
@Danimal506 all black hesh rock was my high school uniform.
I mostly wear blank black or white tshirts nowadays. But I have a couple bins full of band shirts. I was addicted to buying one or two at every show I went to. Lots of bands I don’t even remember and never listened to, but they had killer designs. I gotta dig some of those out some time.
Fun fact the above photo. It was taken on the night Anderson Silva broke his leg in half. We were watching the PPV at a buddies apartment and this was my classic bathroom selfie.
@Danimal506 OUCH!!
1st pic 2009/10, 2nd pic 2018 -
I've pretty much always looked the same: 2004
@Mizmazzle zakly
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January 8, 2015 - UHF
I still have and wear that shirt. -
Full on Wtaps for a tea ceremony in Kyoto.
Ok which ones of you is going to show me your Jnco fits?
@RoxRocks86 and @goosehd's comment got me thinking about my trip 2003/2004, 99% certain it's Ala Moana Beach.