IHTL-2001-WHT - 6.5oz Printed Loopwheel Crew Neck Long Sleeved T-Shirt - White
@Mustafa911 Aren’t they just the most comfy shirts ever?
Thinking about picking up the gray one to complete the trio
Yes , I wished in future IH make olive and black color . I wanted to try 7.5 Oz version as well.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
…tomorrow afternoon officially ends summer here in the Nordland!
Like the outfit @vaquero357 shirt looks great.
…tomorrow afternoon officially ends summer here in the Nordland!
Nordland is the name of the region I live in, in Norway. I’m guessing some norskies took it with them to your neck of the woods a hundred or so years ago.
Great top, I have the grey but regret not scoring the white too.
…@neph93 many Germans, Swedes and Norwegians in Minnesota Reuben. Now be a good boy and eat your Lutefisk!
...glad to see you made it back safe from the Game of Thrones set!
Incredible location!
…@neph93 many Germans, Swedes and Norwegians in Minnesota Reuben. Now be a good boy and eat your Lutefisk!
...glad to see you made it back safe from the Game of Thrones set!
Incredible location!
I love Lutefisk [emoji1] It’s the season for it soon too. Now I’m hungry b
The mad thing about GoT country is that those views are obtainable from a relatively simple walk up a fairly steep hill. There’s a mountain about 30km from me that is about 3000ft over sea level and takes about 3 hours to get up. It is a tough hike with some hands and knees climbing towards the peak, but from there you can see forever. Insane views.
…@neph93 I was married to a Norwegian for thirty years. :o I ate a slab of lutefisk for Christmas every year. ??? True love and points with grandma and the mother-in law.
Wouldn't go out of my way for it but I did look forward to it every X-mas!
...still get along with that Norwegian. Us at a recent wedding.
…@neph93 I was married to a Norwegian for thirty years. :o
...still get along with that Norwegian. Us at a recent wedding.
Lovely pic and a beautiful lady… I wonder what you'd make of the lutefisk here. I tend to go out to a restaurant to eat it and they only serve loin or back filets. You get as many servings as you like, potatoes, bacon, preserved (mushy) peas, and a huge range of condiments. Different mustards, different jam, syrups and even sweet brown cheese