IHSH-276-IND - 9oz Selvedge Ombré Check Western Shirt - Indigo/Grey
When I first saw the product images for this I was gonna pass because the shirt looked more black and white (despite the Indigo/Grey description). But now after seeing all the photos that really bring out the indigo, I NEED this shirt in my life. It is absolutely stunning.
I have to wait until the beginning of next month because I already bought the 277 and 287, among other things this month. Hopefully I'll be able to find my size somewhere then.
Just tried mine on. Amazing shirt! I feel like an XL is maybe a little bit big on me, but I definitely would prefer that over a L being too small. Might give it a hot wash for a bit o' shrink whenever I get around to it, but in no rush for that. Besides, it's already getting hot here
I soaked my sleeves in boiling hot water and it think they did shrink a smidge. I sent my 277 through the dryer and it definitely shrunk…
Dang @Filthy you look sharp af in that
Not the sharpest photo but I'm gonna post it anyway haha.
It’s a great shirt to show off! Looks good on you @misfitlife
Thanks @RoxRocks86 it's my first lighter weight IH flannel, gonna be very versatile!
@misfitlife shirt looks awesome
@Bums_Fan damn that looks good under the denim vest!
Thank you. I try to mix up different combos underneath this vest. This is one of my favorites thus far.
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Holy Shieeeet! I absolutely love this shirt in every way! From the way the snap button pimping came out, to the fit, to the weight of the flannel! Gawd I’m in love
ohhhh snap! @Oz430 your pimpage game brought this shirt up another level. Did you go for mop or pearl hd snaps?
Dang @Filthy you look sharp af in that
Hey thanks. I appreciate that. I feel pretty dull and ordinary. But I felt good wearing this shirt today. It's like we're part of an elite club with these rare shirts. I feel honored to be able to wear such a nice shirt. I had nothing most of my life so I am truly grateful to be lucky enough to wear clothes I enjoy so much….
You know I had to go with the Mother of Pearls!! Haha love the depth of the snap
@Filthy thanks man! Yours looks stellar as well!
@Oz430 I have the MOP snaps on my other shirt I was wearing today and I love them. I have a good art pimp on there too.
@Filthy broooo that combo is undefeated looks sooo good!! That good art button too feels so solid and looks killer! Think I might do all the shirts this way from now on if my wallet/wife will allow me ahaha
I'm a fan of the cats eye GA top button too.
@Oz430 looks sharp with MOP snaps!