IH-777-XHSBB - 25oz Selvedge Denim Super-Slim Tapered Cut Jeans - Black/Black
Just measure the length of a pair that fits you well in the length add one inch on for shrinkage (a bit more if you want to be ultra-safe). Voila, you have your length.
I would be super-wary about chucking them in a washer at 60. I think you will most likely end up with white streaks. I'd start at a gentle 40C wash, inside out, but make sure the jeans are soaking wet before you put them in the washing machine, and try not to spin or tumble dry.
Thanks Giles! Issue is, I don't have a jean as long as the one I want (ie. none of my jeans af 'cuffable'
I have the 555’s too in XHSbb
Round 2 continued here’s
still no builder cracksize up again.
Round 3 coming watch this space -
Those are looking real good Kasi.
No builder crack
Was going to give these a soak yesterday, good thing I didn't because I poured some caramel syrup down my leg today. Even got it in the cuff. Will a soak remove the sugary liquid our just give them a wash?
Carmel in the Cuff–--thats a new one
I went with a combo of the ideas, kind of spot wash after about 30 minute soak.
These are my second pair of XHS. They seem to be slightly lighter in weight and thinner than 777-XHS. Are they two different types of fabrics?
These are my second pair of XHS. They seem to be slightly lighter in weight and thinner than 777-XHS. Are they two different types of fabrics?
They are the same fabric at the base, but different dyeing techniques involve different processes and that will change the hand of the fabric noticeably. On traditional indigo jeans only the warp is dyed, and the weft bleached. Here you have two different dyeing processes, one with sulphur, and one with reactive pigment. That creates quite an effect.
These are my second pair of XHS. They seem to be slightly lighter in weight and thinner than 777-XHS. Are they two different types of fabrics?
Same weight yarns, obviously different dyeing process
I just might have to get second pair of these soon. I'm liking how my first pair has started to break in. Only issue I have is that my right leg has twisted and sets my OCD off a bit.
Thanks @neph93. I wore them to work today and was pretty happy with the fit.
They are the same fabric at the base, but different dyeing techniques involve different processes and that will change the hand of the fabric noticeably. On traditional indigo jeans only the warp is dyed, and the weft bleached. Here you have two different dyeing processes, one with sulphur, and one with reactive pigment. That creates quite an effect.
Thanks Giles
These are my second pair of XHS. They seem to be slightly lighter in weight and thinner than 777-XHS. Are they two different types of fabrics?
Same weight yarns, obviously different dyeing process
@Filthy I'm enjoying them quite a bit that I bought the 555 fit as well. This is the first wash and has had 3 soaks. Unsure about the other 25oz but I believe this denim has a little more give to them because of the dying treatment. Giving them a break through the summer because I'm going with the 55519ib.
That's awesome. Do they have a soft hand or is it rough?
@Filthy They feel very similar to my 10 month old 21od(not sure if that helps). They're more soft hand than scratchy or stiff, no more standing on their own. Haha hopefully this helps.