Random Rants
I picked up my boys early from school today for a dental appt. They were so well behaved ( for them) that I told them dinner was at Pizza Express. Both well excited.
We were on our way when we had to pass what in the UK is called a "Public School" which means you have to pay a small fortune to send your kids there.
Well, it was hometime, so all the kids' parents were picking them up from all over Manchester, driving, almost exclusively 4 x 4 's (suv's) to pick up their 1 kid. Now, they all wanted to drive into the school car park and so traffic both ways on the road was gridlocked whilst they waited to turn in. Park a few yards away in a side road and walk ? No way.
So my kids are going apeshit for their pizza and Mum is waiting in the place.
I am not afraid to use the audible warning device to basically say " Oi, , you can't wait 20 minutes to do a right turn if you are blocking the road"
This guy in a nice suit suit stood outside the school looked at me and shook his head. My window down, "Is there a BEEP BEEP problem BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP with me doing this?"
"I am the headmaster of this school , you just have to wait."
(Open car door , walk over ,catch up as he tries to scuttle away) " No, your patrons are blocking the highway and you should be doing something about it. So do so."
Get back into car, resume caucaphony of horn sounding, now joined in by several vehicles behind .Then, OH YES THERE IS A GOD! Your typical white 20 yr old Ford Transit full of scallies drives up onto the pavement and straight along to the head car waiting to turn (its now been there 25 mins, blocking the whole road), which , joy of joys , is a Porsche Cayenne, and it takes the car out, pushing it along the road out of everyone's way until it lands in someones drive.
Cue a quick change of mind by all the rest of the cars behind it . Go to enjoy my Pizza.Rant over
But what if the driver was disabled???!!
Our regular UPS driver picks up from us at about 13:00 every day. So, we made arrangements for Ben to get stuff ready to ship in time for the 13:00 pick up. Typically our regular guy is off this week and the relief driver has not shown up when Ben has been there for 2 days now. Ben stayed until 18:40 last night and still no feckin pick up.
I have fired off some nastygrams, but if you have ordered anything since late last Friday they are still at IHUKHQ.
So sorry people. Paula will be communicating this to all those affected later today.
Ben is going to stake out IHUKHQ all day today….
So, the hotel we stay in in Shibuya does not have wifi in the room (though it does in the bar…...). You have to use a wired connection in the bedrooms. That's a crap solution when there are 2 of you who need to work and the wire does not stretch to the bed (which is wear I do most of my work from in hotels). I therefore always bring a AirPort Express with me and set my own wireless network up. This time I forgot, so I had to hoof off to The Apple Store and buy another one.
Today, the MacBook Air charger we had bought to share between us packed up, so I had to hoof up to the Apple Store to buy another one.
I am now USD200 poorer.
The good news is that Kiya and Demitra are really pleased with the blindingly fast connectivity that the "GPShibuya" network is giving them from their room....
FUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck…1.5 weeks after i bought some brand new winter-tires, just came back from lunch and one motherfucker busted and ran outta air...now i need a new one!
I seriously could kill
myselfsomeone now.>:(….....
Bah, so you go a week without buying an IH shirt. No biggie…;)
Bah, so you go a week without buying an IH shirt. No biggie…;)
True, but still…tire
iswas brand new and it's just fucked since i really don't need this atm.
An honestly, i would rather buy an IH-Shirt as new tire.How badly? tires can be repaired, and it can be just a leaking valve…
well it's an 3cm (1.5inch) long rip and i think unfixable (well that's what the guy from the tire-store said!)
here ya go:
already ordered a new tire and picking it up by tomorrow. 130SFr. …not much but still fecked