New Balance
shame so few can appreciate what he's talking about.
good sh!t
went shoe shopping today - not working for adidas anymore allows me to look at other sneaker brands with different eyes.
tried on NB MR890RW and MR890RG - seriously over the top, but entertaining. hell, I might go back and buy MR890RG in a weak moment…
In the end I went the safe route with NB 576
(in school we used to say that the "N" stands for "Nazi" because the cheaper models were kind of popular with some neo-nazi's.)
I'm a big fan of these, not as bulky:
New Balance–>No.1 Sneaker IMO
Nice Crisone ^^^ some NB's for me, this pair US 11;
Got these from a mate for 70 NZ dollars, they r a size US 12 but hey for 70 bucks. I just hav to wear
thick socks.Peace
Little NB factoid for everyone who was not aware: The model number of each NB corresponds to the price of retail. 1500 = $150.00, 574 = $57.40 or $58, etc.
not sure how true that holds any more bagley. i didn't know that, thanks for "the sneaker factiod of the day"
into @ the moment:
source: -
no explaining this one. the beige color way with that pop of blue looks dope. they remind me of the first airmax crepe with the hemp sides. would look really good with worn in jeans. can see the old folks thing cause you know they are NB. . .but i'm closer to the old folks then the young whipper snappers