IH-666-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Slim Straight Cut Jeans - Indigo
Yep - the denim doesn't absorp the water immediately… It first repels it, you can see the liquid drops... The other day I thought me leg was transforming into a T-1000...
Alright... So after a week of non cuffing them, they have started stacking nicely... Pics tomorry!..
I shall add, though, that imho these are the best jeans around... Fading properties are sick, the fabric is fucking NUTS, the cut is just perfect (at this point the very slight taper doés it for me),... Today I caught myself thinking "Shit I'm gonna miss wearing these during the summer"...
Hi Seul- I think the waist was bigger than I expected and it was therefore a little wider and looser down through the thighs to the knees. I gave them a hot bath and hung them out in the sun last week (still sunny at midday in Madrid), so I was able to shrink them slightly in the thigh, knee and hem. Since they are so stiff at first, I think they accentuated the bagginess around the thighs in the back. They have softened up and are a little smaller now, so they are coming along. In the end, I probably could have gone with a tag size 33.
Yeah - I definitely agree with you on these being a bit roomier in the waist!.. Mine were def closer to a sz. 33 (tagged 32) out of the proverbal box. They're even a tad loose now, but nothing crazy… Have some good (IH) belts to keep them in order...
I like your fit, though, I really do. It's a bit different than eg. mine but it reàlly works for you!..
Also: that artwork on the right behind you (my right), any info on that?.. I hope it's not some ultraknown masterpiece... I know fuck all about art but it looks pretty bonkers!..
starting to think that these are becoming the most 'individual' jeans i've seen, meaning that they fit and hang differently on everyone. now that will be true with most good denim, or there'd be no point, but from what i've seen in most fit pics anyone who didn't know could mistake them for 3 or 4 different styles. was it beats who said best denim ever? think she might be right
Good to see how they're turning out at 4 months. I've been rotating mine with another pair but at 2 months seem to be wearing them more and more as they're showing up some great signs of fading now.
Rare sunny day so went for a walk in the City of London..so quiet on a Sunday…no nasty bankers clogging the pavements.
Took some shots at Leadenhall Market with the winter rays picking up the wild contrasts on this denim