Introduce Yourself Here
Hi folks,
I have been posting some stuff already, but missed introducing myself. I am a 43-year old European living in the Alps.
I have constant use for hard-wearing stuff, as I am not one to look after my clothing a lot and subject it to all sorts of outdoor use and usually don't change when I hit the mountains after a day in the city.I currently own three pairs of Iron Hearts (IS634, DC4001, IH-634S), a number of Aero's and some White's.
Good to see James from obbigood on board, awesome guy, and if my dealings with nicecrackaction so far are anything to go by, then he is also going to be an extremely welcome addition to the forum. Welcome guys
hey there!
I've been actually reading on this forum for some months now, but just finally decided to make an ID… I actually haven't got any IH items (yet), but hopefully I'll get my first pair soon enough...
So I'm a high school student living in Jakarta, Indonesia (so sorry for the bad english :D) I started to get my interests on the denim world a few years back, when I got myself a pair of nudies. Just so you know, denim has somewhat become a trend in our youth, especially nudies, and nowadays if you go anywhere you would actually see at least someone wearing a pair (and even more and more fakes everyday!). And you must've already know about the collab between IH and SE for Indonesia so I guess that tells how much passion we have into this
So I decided to go for a perfect pair of jeans and decided that something from IH would be just that. I've been reading the forums to decide which pair would suit me, and the new 634sRAW made my decision. Hopefully I could get a pair through my local reseller and get more active in this forum. It's nice to see meet you guys!
Hello! I've been lurking around here and sufu for a bit, but I feel that I ought to post now that I actually have a pair of IH jeans.
I'm a high school senior living in a suburb about an hour outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I became interested in denim about two years ago, and I've been working my way up the proverbial jeans ladder since.
Look forward to getting to know you!
Just joined the forum after making my first Iron Heart purchase, superblack bottom (IH-9634Z) to go with the superblack top I will be getting as a gift (IH-9526J)
Currently residing in Canada, Vancouver, this place presents many opportunities for a wide variety of outdoor sports, so tough rugged wear is a must
Only piece dry of denim I have worn for significant length of time is my Black-coated jacket from Nudie, a very thin and versatile piece that can be dressed up or down. So I am very excited to try on my new superblack denim suit
A big IH 210z Hello to all of our new members! 80 so far this month…. AMAZING!
Hi all, I posted a fit yesterday but thought I should introduce myself all the same. I'm 30 years old, live in London and have acquired a few Iron Heart products over the past half year. From the first flannel I picked up, I've been super impressed by the quality, fit and attention to detail. It's at the point now where I have to ask "why buy from anyone else?", haha.
The plan is to move to Hong Kong by the end of the year so I'm trying very hard to resist buying melton wool!
Hello fellow denim bros!
Photog from Dallas, TX, just purchased my first pair of IH 666's last week! Got them in last week too, LOVE THEM. I had APCs before this and those feel like H&M denim. Very excited!
-Justin -
How goes it ronie? Welcome. Jealous of your Montana status. Yeah, you may find one or two things around here of interest.
Hello! I'm Chris. I live in Toronto and just found the only local dealer for Iron Heart. Looking forward to seeing some in person and not just on the net. Getting the size right first time will help me take the plunge. Lots of good reviews and explanations on this forum which is really helpful to a newbie like myself. Thanks for letting me participate!
Hey Chris
I live in NYC but visit Toronto once a month. Did you go to Serpentine yet? I've been a few times but they didn't have my sizes. Would really like it if you posted some interesting thing to do in the Toronto thread. Welcome.