Singapore and Indonesia Trip Jan/Feb 2012
looking forward to the IH world meet up which will happen sooner or later
Now this I could get behind. Give me a location and 12 months notice
Really sorry to arrive late at the party. I had a problem to find the place plus hook up with my 'luggage' slowing me down. Very happy to meet all the guys, especially Giles and Paula.. Stan and Ronald and make me feel like i know them long time.. Hope there will be a next meet up and i will find the chance to join all you guys again.. I will upload the picture later tonight. Just arrived home with big smile, tired but happy… I soak my Raw and hope could wear them tomorrow. Thanks G for bringing the sample of the new lightweight denim shirt. For anyone that curious, thats the must have shirt. The colour is very nice..
Hope to see all of you again in future.Ps: i do admit that Giles do have a sexy voice
My turn for photos!!
If the posters were for sale, I would buy one or two for sure!
Fabian and Johnny
Mr G.
Lovely Paula
Johnny and Stan having some serious talk.
My first ever IH merchandise. And Stan and I coincidentally wore the same Tee.
The man getting ready for some speech.
Mankarat's 634S-RAW
The White's
Thanks a lot Stan for this birthday present. Appreciate it!Thanks the Giles, Paula, Tuckshop guys for making everything happened. And I enjoyed talking to all the indigo roots members, I'm looking forward to the next gathering guys.
Cross post….....
At the Marina at Keppel Bay...
Clearing stuffs from my pockets.
Wearing the harness.
Qing Dao
Tightening the straps.
A fit picture before going up.
Last but not least, the safety helmet.
Primary rope.
Waiting to be hoist up.
A preview of where I am going up to.
A standby rope for extra safety.
All ready to be up there.
Off the deck.
Halfway there.
Not the top but almost there.
Thank you Giles and Ian for making this possible and it was a once on a lifetime experience.