Singapore and Indonesia Trip Jan/Feb 2012
beyond me, why anybody would want you to mess their tees, but who I'm…
They don't call him "GMoney" for nothing.
WOW!!! It is like an IH army. This is insanity. Can you imagine if they lived in a colder climate…
The whole scene was insane. We arrived about 10 minutes late to the party. When we walked in there was just crowds of these dudes all wearing the IH Tee's clapping an cheering. It was a little overwhelming. Feck know's what would have happened if we had gad haraki with us…...
That looked amazing
Hey do you guys mind if I post some of the photos I have from the party here?
Sure got heaps of themPlease do!
Alright then, here are the photos I've re-sized earlier..
The Crowd
Beatbox, Beer drinking competition, Door prize winners, and IH evo contest!
and I managed to get my SExIHxINDO16 signed by Giles.. Thanks G!
Giles & Paula with the event committee @ The Denim Vault
That's all I can post for now.. I'll see if I can find some more good shots to post..
Cheers -
Two higlights bedsides the obvious army flicks are the one dude "Picking a Winner," and the other guy rocking the Indigo Rider Jacket. Serious dedication on both accounts. Thank you for sharing and wish I could have been out there to compete in the Beer drinking contest and meet all you fine folks. Think the West may give you all a little run for your Money in that department.
Denim and beer World Cup anyone?