Photograph and Camera talk
Nice composition Rafa!
The Canon S95 from what I hear is among the best P&S cameras. Otherwise you're really not going to be able to get a DSLR for that price if that's what you're looking for.
been a few days, what you shot jaco?
oh & that is a purrty camera you got there
f^cking nice, i am always surprised by the things/items that get a response or white noise. i'm no camera buff but i knew that was something special. urb had some wild looking cameras as well, maybe when he gets a moment he'll put up some images of those beauties.
oh & that camera from the 1930s still working is a testament. . . .well if it still works
thanks monday, yes it still works just fine, though it's quirky and slow to use, you have to focus and compose through separate windows (both of which are small) and the rangefinder has lost contrast making it tough to focus, but it's fun and solid and small and mechanical and the knobs and stuff feel good and it makes cool sounds and I have an appreciation for well made things that last
value isn't always monetary, but thanks for the word on the camera. interesting stuff.