Iron Heart Restocks & Arrivals
Giles, any restock of ye ol wabash IHSH-55 on the horizon?
G any possibility for a IHSH-53 in medium? keeping fingers crossed
^ great! just in time for my 2 months ban to be lifted I hope.
keep a medium for me. I must lay my hands on this beauty!
Something tells me I better get my cash in order…
My guess is some IHJ-07's. Possibly some flannels, etc…
IHJ-07, Busters, Buster OD's, Black Duck Overalls, 634S, IHSH-46 green, belts etc etc etc
No sure if this is the right thread. Would love to see some IHSH-60 T/C Westpoint printed S/S Work shirts coming over to the west. I am hopeful it will come in a non-printed version (if at all possible). The navy is a killa!
Also interested in non printed
Will there ever be a Wabash workshirt?