Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
I think duck is very versatile; at lest as much as denim. Workplaces that don't allow denim will often allow duck. Most folks think a pair of duck pants look like khakis. But hey, that's just my take…
Extra Heavy Serge Boa Vest
-use the new 21.9oz Extra Heavy Serge in green & tan (everyone goes ape shit over khaki/tan colored outerwear)
-same idea as the Sweden Serge Boa Vest that was super limited (3 in the western world limited)
-make it a little more rugged, possible rivet reinforcementsI would buy both of them.
Speaking of the coated white…I am sure u guys have seen Nudies black coated indigos...I love how those things look like u have oil on ur jeans once the black started fading to indigo
Dammit! Link to coated white denim?
here you go mate:
@Giles:You want white 21oz selvage? You got it…..
I remember seeing this on Bosstalk awhile ago. It has some sort of liquid repelent on it, if I remember correctly.
You remembered correctly,
And proof…
Well for the record, since there is a lot of talk about new styles of hats, I wear a 7-7 1/8 fitted hat, and the IHC-06 is absolutely perfect. It easily conforms to my head shape because there is no ridiculous embroidery backing (think NewEra hats), and most importantly, it has a wonderful low-profile. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MAKE THE IHC-06 STYLE HATS…in addition to whatever type of hat you feel like making!. Domo.