So, not actually today but last week… I was back in my home town visiting the parents and took a trip out to the Peak District National Park for a hike with my brother and his girlfriend. Was an absolute treat to be out in the space and greenery as an antidote to London living.
After a steep climb, we were up on the moors
Stunning scenery that just humbles a man…
Shortly after the above pictures were taken, we realised we were heading right into a raincloud and it wasn't long before we were subject to a torrential and very, very cold downpour that turned to hail and then snow. Thankfully I was wearing my Torrent Shell but my Busters were soaked through by the time we reached a small shelter for climbers. Hands remained frozen solid for hours after the rain had let up.
Back down in the valley, we encountered these fellows, untroubled by our presence
Uber cute
My brother and his girlfriend take the long and winding road
Close up of the dry stone wall that characterises the Peak
And the final descent back to the car before we headed to a climber's cafe for a hearty feed (in my case, Chilli con Carne on chips!)
Despite the brutal weather in the middle of the hike, I had a great time out there in the Peak. My Busters took a good hiding from the activity and the rain soak and really turned a corner - all the creases set in, the fit now feels like my own and there are highlights of electric blue starting to pop out. They didn't let me down when I needed them.
You might have to run that one by me again, Seul…
Definitely the runts of the litter at least. The white one had eyes like a total stoner but I'd still have 'em as pets!
Wanted to get a desktop pic for the cell. 20 minutes later this is what i got..(note the lower left)
Thanks Sally..
Maybe tomorrow.. -
Celebrating my BDAY with my family..Pic of me and my mom
Levi's 511's
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[Image Missing] -
He must have bought a pair of XHS and tried to button them
It really just highlights my stupidity at that particular moment in time. I was cleaning the wheels of a drying apparatus in our textile factory with an exacto knife–as per the instructions of the foreman--and, despite my hesitancy concerning the obvious pitfalls of said action, I followed through with the order. Needless to say, the blade caught and then quickly released, leaving me bleeding like a stuck Eli. Not a pretty sight, but at least I'll have something to hold over the foreman's head for a while.