IHB-03 - Plate Buckle Belt
if anyone ever wants to sell a XL PM me.
forgot to put this here:
Great look Monday
Looks great Finn!
Nicely done Finn. Can't say enough about this belt. 1st image is quite phallic lol.
fit pic finn-ster, want to see the finn-spin on it.
oh & really great images, gotta love it
I sincerely hope it doesn't fit you.
Kind regards,
Seul.well let me put it like that…I'm able to close it
no, seriously...wearing it in the 5th hole, with a little bit of tip showing.
doesn't look like the preferred oversized fit but since it's always under a t, shirt, hoodie and/or jacket...I don't give a fekk
y'all know if there was an XL available, I would have went for it...but this was my last chance to own the best belt alive...on my way to the bowling arena, so fitpics tomorrow or when ever I feel like it!