IHSH-55 - Wabash Western
WTF, are those 811's ods?
^it's a one off pair I got from a sample sale a few months ago, I'll post a full fit pic when I get the chance … Hope you don't mind the tease :p
Sample sale? Where?
IH HQ had a sale in honour of Haraki-san's 55th birthday back in Nov., it was featured on the Rebirth website back then …
EDIT: found the original pic that was on the rebirth page:
back off topic/ sample workshirt as well?
Fighting the urge to kop one.
Back on topic. New production run - new Wabash will be shipping to me in about a week…
Any noticable treatments/dfiferences in terms of how this wabash came about? I recall H was tinkering with it.
Damn you G
Damn you Rocket