IH-666S - The Devil's Fit Indigo - Slim Tapered
I tried a pair 666s today in 31 and it was a very tight fit at the waist. It was a bit of a pain to get the top button through the hole (but that could be because the stiffness of the denim). Should I go to a size 32 and soak super hot or should I get the 31s and soak cold and try to stretch them to fit? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks -
Thanks Beatle,
I really think part of the difficulty buttoning them up had a lot to do with the stiffness of the denim and the small button holes.yes, the tiny button holes and stiffness of the denim makes it bloody hard to button initially.. G posted some tips on how to expand the holes using pliers (I used thick scissors). Reckon the pic is in the 25oz jeans thread but not sure which one.
I know they can turn your shoes blue, but that's ridiculous
my white converse kicks have quite a bit of indigo stains from my 666S. Loving the look of my converse now.
This difficulties disappears after soaking
Really? Awesome, thanks.
@volcano:Thanks Beatle,
I really think part of the difficulty buttoning them up had a lot to do with the stiffness of the denim and the small button holes.yes, the tiny button holes and stiffness of the denim makes it bloody hard to button initially.. G posted some tips on how to expand the holes using pliers (I used thick scissors). Reckon the pic is in the 25oz jeans thread but not sure which one.
This helps a ton, Thanks man.
Yeah now these are my everyday go-to pair of jawns. Its so comfortable that I'd even sleep in them.
Pulled the trigger on the 31s this afternoon. Took some pre-soak pictures then hopped in the tub with them on for 30 minutes. The water wasn't piping hot but it was pretty darn warm. They are still hanging right now but I tried them on while still damp about a half hour or so ago and the fit is AWESOME. I will take some pictures in the morning when they are completely dry. Also going to drop them back off at SE to get them hemmed up. This thread has really helped me out so THANK YOU to all who contribute. First pair of the best jeans I've ever had. I will post pictures soon.
looks good…. love the bright red vans!
Thats a pretty damn good fit Deebo…Lucky u