The Flat Head
ok so the
30011001 then…Thanks buddy and gotcha on the sizing -
won't tate take them back? I mean if they're not measuring their own product and they're using someone else's size tables and they won't stand behind the numbers they post I'd throw a fit. they ought to cover return shipping and exchange for a proper pair if it's so far off
i would have returned them but they require all tags and such for returns - and when I tried them on for the first time I ripped the main tag on the back pocket. Plus the fact that I'm training for my first triathlon and expect to shed 10-15 pounds over the next 4 months, so it just wasn't a show stopper for me or a real priority to return them. Just annoyed at the discrepancies in measurements vs reality more than anything.
nah Seul it'll never work. I'll buy it off you though, no worries
I'm sure it'll work for ya - either way, tis a nice shirt
Seul, what's the weight and hand of the FH winter flannel like compared to the IHSH-43?
Really liking this:
My typical thought process looking through TFH shirts and tees on Self Edge:
"Wow, that looks awesome (clicks through and sees price)… oh." :-\
Yea I do the same mostly. I am yet to pull the trigger on anything FH. .. price is always a deal breaker. If they priced their Tee's $15 to $20 cheaper I'd have 10