IRON HEART World Tour II 2011-2012 - Beatle Buster SBG
thanks Finn. you're one of the few i'm guessing on here that have seen my tours in the past. and in doing so, have basically watched Q. grow up before your eyes as well. it's amazing how the fun changes as he gets older. he jumps on my head, says i'm gonna toot on you and starts making all these crazy farting noises with his mouth!
we got another sizzler today. getting ready to head out and close the deal on that car. wish me luck!!!
thats very cute of him. from the pictures you posted, he sure looks a fun little fella to hang out with.
Awesome pic's TV Shooter, primomo, slide looks wicked. The pic of your son on the swing is very cool indeed
well guys…it looks like i might cut my leg of the tour short. the freaking weather has been way too humid and hot to enjoy these. i'd love to give them another shot maybe later down the road. IH's jeans have been on my wishlist for quite sometime and having these just reaffirms that. just gotta start saving up my monies!
anyway, here was part of my day at work. we had a Navy F18 Super Hornet crash into an apartment complex just after takeoff a few months ago. miraculously, nobody was killed or seriously hurt. today they had a press conference to discuss the results of their investigation.
personally, i love the Super Hornet. it's the main attack fighter jet (the one that launches off aircraft carriers) if you've seen the Blue Angels then you know how cool these planes are.
even tho it's too hot…the IH's are along for the ride!
the F404 engine cut to show insides. pretty insane.
the ass of it. extreme farting power to the max!
the investigation revolved around the catastrophic engine failure. when the one engine went bad shortly after taking off, the pilot went to afterburner on the other engine, which normally would have gave them lift and they could have made it back safely. well, that engine went too. bummer.
top brass at the base. rear admiral in charge of the base in the middle.
hope you guys enjoyed my leg!
Too short, but fully appreciated. Great job, as Giles & emceeQ said.
jeeeezzzus guys…i said i might cut my leg of the tour. not i am cutting my leg of the tour. i'm still gonna hold onto these for the month i'm supposed to have them for. i'll post stuff when i can. btw, the belt is awesome. gonna need one of those too.
***oh wait…i did say enjoyed my leg of the tour. i meant i hope you're enjoying my leg of the tour.
beating the head by watching tv tear it up on the sbg wt. So sad to see it go, but so happy you were a part of it. Hope to see you all soon. Cheers brotha
beating the head by watching tv tear it up on the sbg wt. So sad to see it go, but so happy you
wereARE a part of it. Hope to see you all soon. Cheers brotha…yo L. this ain´t over yet