2012 Edition - Iron Heart & Triple Works edition WAYWT
DD were those jeans raw or pre-distressed? & tie-up your boots you are going to ruin the laces
I bought them used for $50
okay . . . thanks for the get back. you really wearing all them clothes today? i leave out pretty early & it was already hot. . . then again you cool enough to do it
(no sarcasm as somethings get read into)
**i would be sweating my nuts off.
I do wear a lot of clothes in the summer but I put my mind in some ZEN place and i actually feel fine lol
Whenever i do the just tee thing its usually with a pair of flip flops or kicks with no socks but while at work i have to get dressed a bit so enter sally layers
Sun, glorious Sun :)). Won't last
Love that tee MP