Other Brands of Jeans
ok, time to clear which FH is which…
First row, 2nd down: 3003-WWII Yep
Below that: 5100 Yep
below that: 3007 Yep
first row, bottom: 3005LTD Yep
Third row, 2nd from bottom: Crisp S5005 Yep and very crisp
Last row, 3rd from bottom: F380 Yep
bottom: 1005 YepTA DA!!!!!!
And the 2 worn pairs you couldn't work out?
umm, the first ended up being the 5100, the second, which is in the top right of the picture, looks like it has Iron Heart belt loops, as they are about the correct width when measured to the 2 634s' below it, so i am gonna say the 461s
umm, the first ended up being the 5100, the second, which is in the top right of the picture, looks like it has Iron Heart belt loops, as they are about the correct width when measured to the 2 634s' below it, so i am gonna say the 461s
They are another pre-prod TWHR01 sample
i think for sure the left row is the 5100, not only do the belt loops match up exactly like that of the 3003-WWII above it and the 3007 below it, but the patch is missing on gile's pair. and i think the one on the right without a patch visible is an Iron Heart based on the same premise, belt loops match up perfectly, though now i believe that its only 1 634s below that pair of jeans because the other 634s i remembered from when i first did this is below the 3007 on the far left. Ohhh the dilemma…
edit: and they end up being samples!!!!
:o ::) ???
awesome Giles, thanks!
i would totally settle for a sit down conversation about how you've noticed that your jeans wear and progression and methods and such…but since i am no where near the other side of the pond, i'll settle for a tee ::)
Thanks Giles! i'll pm you the tee, ok?
Guess who the Brit Ande is talking about…!!!!!
http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?p=2199947#post2199947'dem my jeans !
I don't wear my t-shirts all scrunched up like these photos show, but I wanted to show you fit pics. The top button fly and the left leg got twisted up after HOT tumble dry. Doesn't bother me…adds to the character. Don't know about you but I LOVE these jeans ! They may be an awkward fit for most men though -- they're quite low rise (like IH 301S and 461S).
Nice jeans, great fit Shubz, but you not wearing IH for the big prez
You're absolutely right G. I was a little nervous about that too…like, should I do something different on the Big Day ? I'm pretty accustomed to the weight and feel of IH on my body. Hope I don't screw up just because I didn't wear IH !
excellent fit Shubbz! that photo makes me want to break rotation and throw my 710's back on! ???
G, Seul and dead – thanks ! I'm tellin' ya...I'm glad I tried the "dark side"...meaning non-Iron Heart and lower-weight denim. My allegiance to IH is still tops but other denims have their place in this world too. Seul, I often go belt-less -- especially if the jeans stay up on their own without a belt. I never wear a belt with the SEXIH03/BK (IH Cyclists)...or rarely do anyway -- given their "pedal pusher" cut, a belt looks odd with IH Cyclists IMHO.
Shubz i think your IH301S and cyclists look more flattering on you compared to your other brand of jeans…Sams are great too, but when i compare them to how most of your IH look on you, the IH jeans just seem so much more custom fit for you. Maybe the sams just need more time to take to your body shape! Nice pick-up either way!
Thanks for your honesty Simon. There's no doubt that IH are better made jeans. So, yeah…it's conceivable that they look better because they just "hug" my body better. But I ain't wearin' no fucking Iron Heart to India ! That's why i bought the Sams and the Sugar Canes -- they look decent on me and they're gonna be my "go to" in case I ever visit an oppressively hot region ( Mexico and Hawaii included). As I have mentioned before though, I have no problem wearing IH YEAR-ROUND in The Bay Area. I never get "too hot" for Iron Heart, as long as I keep my butt in San Francisco/Oakland/Berkeley.
hahaha yea, i definitely would not wear my IH around China or South Eastern Asian country….It's humid, hot, and the rain is warm sometimes....
Still, i'd bring my IH's with me and at least wear them once in that country so that i can say my IH have been to that country! ^_^
I was wearing my 634s the whole month last year on my holiday in Indonesia and they're still comfortable to wear even when one day reached 40 degrees celcius. I guess I'm just used to the warm weather there
The workmanship on those jeans looks on par with IH, I must say.
The difference being that Iron Heart could construct a pair of 14 oz jeans with their eyes shut in their lunch break. Simon Miller would not have one sewing machine capable of touching 21oz denim. That is the essential point about Iron Heart, it is not just beautifully crafted stuff, it is extremely technically difficult to do - that is part of its fascination…G