Random Rants
Wow, that's fantastic. You should have pitched a fit and demanded that they locate your package immediately.:)
And I think the question about drug use was well deserved…
you know what really grinds my gears…
Finding some nice (potentially cheap) used denim for sale, only to realise later they have been hemmed 1 inch shorter than my absolute minumum length
Yeah that sucks. They could of been shorter, but I cuffed.
Manitou, the bike, paralyzed on the way home last weekends rally, second time tis summer, never been acting up before…while trying to figure out what's wrong with it I noticed I had burnt huge hole in my 634S cuff in the exhaust, and kicked a 2 euro size whole in the leather of my steelcapped Chippewas while trying to start the fekkin' ride...
Doh, sleeped 2 hours on the roadside while waiting pick-up, just to get back home to seriously super pissed off wife who nagged and ranted all evening...still doin' that. Life is SO great sometimes...
Some guy is trying to tell me it costs 27 euro to send a cassette from Austria to Canada….HA!
We're talking an ordinary audio cassette? Shouldn't run afoul of any odd measurement limits. Hell, you can pop it into a padded envelope and mail it that way. Seems like anything over 10€ is questionable.
Haha, yea one audio cassette. I told him that same thing, and provided evidence of how much it should cost. And he kept it was insisting it was more and came back with a calculation for envelope that was 15"x10". I told him a regular padded envolope should be half that size.
He came back with "ok, sorry! C4 letter works too." and reduced the cost by 20 euros…
Thanks to you for offering to proxy Eli. Once I mentioned that he could proxy it, he sent me the new invoice. So something convinced him.
There goes that profit margin…
My thought exactly…
Once I mentioned that he could proxy it, he sent me the new invoice. So something convinced him.
Can not be the same fellar, but one time this guy took a bit of time to ship me a rather expensive rec… I told him me and a mate were ready for a li'l trip to Germany to come see him (and I wasn't kidding)... Couple of hours later I got me tracking #...
Same with this French guy who owed me money... Found a French mate who had seen him at a local punkshow... PM'ed him saying what he was wearing... Oh that money was wired to me faster than lightning...
Random memories...