IHW-01 (Melton Wool shirt)
Controversially, I prefer the old buttons on this shirt
Controversially, I prefer the old buttons on this shirt
Definitely agree with you there mega…
Controversially, I prefer the old buttons on this shirt
Definitely agree with you there mega…
And thirded. Glad I got the older version in black and charcoal when they were on sale.
i like the look of the buttons alot, but i think the snaps will definitely last longer. i feel like the thread holding the bottons on this shirt gets loose fairly quickly.
Hey G, I am sure you will say you need to wait until you have it in person but I was curious if Haraki-San used the same Melton Wool on this as last year, or if he opted to go heavier/ Thicker? Thanks
Same as before…..
Great thanks. Was only curious to see if he had to take into account the heavier weight of the new snaps. Cheers
Snap from trip to Paris earlier in the year I just found. Weather was all over the place that week and of course the Melton had me covered all week.
I am finding this shirt a bit itchy. will wear soften it up or does it need a wash or a soak?
I am finding this shirt a bit itchy. will wear soften it up or does it need a wash or a soak?
Itchiness is related to the average thickness of the fibers, the maximum thickness of the fibers, and the sensitivity of your skin. None of these will change with washing or wearing. A long sleeve undershirt is your best option.
Great, thanks.
My wife is holding onto my grey Melton until Christmas, these pics are killing me. Lucky for me and unbeknownst to her I found where she has been hiding it and have tried it on a couple times to ease the pain.
… Lucky for me and unbeknownst to her I found where she has been hiding it and have tried it on a couple times to ease the pain.
so good
She doesn't read the forums so I figured I'd throw all caution into the wind and shot some quick pics of mine (soon to be mine I mean). Feels good even though it's maybe a tiny bit tight on my forearms.