IH-555-xx - Super Slim Jean
Ty for that …I didn't think about that at all. Makes sense. I am not sure how I will wear em yet but so far I like em cuffed twice and with a small one cuff. As for fading em naturally. I not only regret what I did but I feel stupid about it. I ruined my 1st few pairs so now I am so dead against it.
Yes G iv seen the light lol
Ty, I think ur body is perfect for these. U should definitely get them
What u get when u try to button a pair of 555's
Yes G iv seen the light lol
so good to know that the "hammering" did the job
What u get when u try to button a pair of 555's
a sign that you should cutt your nails?…There are a lot of things I have neglected over the last few weeks. Having a baby eliminates a lot of free time as well as having the time to even think about normal grooming lol
There are a lot of things I have neglected over the last few weeks. Having a baby eliminates a lot of free time as well as having the time to even think about normal grooming lol
just fooling with you buddy, don´t take it serious…it´s 2.30am here in germany and normally i already should be dreaming and snorring by now
Hi DD. I believe the pair you have are tagged a size 33, is that the same size you wear in other Iron Heart jeans? I was going to pass on these, but your pics are starting to make me reconsider. I'm thinking if I size up one, I might be able to make it happen. Fit looks great on you.
Hi 33 is my normal waist size although iv been fitting into 34's of late. I could have gone up 1 but plan on losing a few pounds which is why these are perfect
DD, how do you compare these to the 301's fit?
If u like slimmer fit up top which I love these are great. I would say the 301s are a slim fit and these are a true skinny
Obviously there is no fades to report but since I have been washing plenty of baby bottles my white cabinets in from of my sink are turning blue from me rubbing against them. Could be the first dish washing fade lol