Random Announcements
Yep, I'm partial to a Brazilian myself…
Hahahaha, he wouldn’t know one if it hit him in the face (highly unlikely) ???
In the words of George Takei…..."Oh myyyy"
And further, I am proud to count everyone of my retailers as a personal friend.
…and friends are what counts in live!!!
nothing more to add gentlemen!…
We need a doorstop at work. I had a brilliant idea. As we were locking up tonight, I mentioned it to Paula.
G "I'm going to cover a brick in denim to make doorstop"
P "Makes a change from a prick being covered in denim I suppose"@Madame:
Yep, I'm partial to a Brazilian myself…
Hahahaha, he wouldn’t know one if it hit him in the face (highly unlikely) ???
if i may suggest, i think it´s time for you two to start your own realityshow pretty damn soon…would be so much fun to watch - "the padmore´s - IH or get fekked!" -
alright, so i came home from school today and i had a delivery slip waiting for me, FUHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Good news though, the SBG WT's will be picked up tomorrow and we can commence the month!
ahhhh yeah!
New couch. Made in Great Britain.
Urb, your new sofa is what is known as a "Chesterfield", and was was originally made in the town of Chesterfield, which is a mere 12 miles from my front door. Wikipedia will tell you that Chesterfield is a Canadian term for a couch, this is bollocks, it was adapted into Canadian English.
Fun fact - I was once asked to leave a pub for throwing one of those at a friend when really, really drunk. The sofa was huge, and I have no memory of actually throwing it, or any idea as to how I could have accomplished such a feat of strength, or why I would do it. On the same evening Pam got so drunk that she spent most of the night curled up in a cardboard box in the middle of the pub watching a Guns N Roses tribute band. Ah to be young and crazy again
My random announcement for the day is that I am getting a worrying amount of things that my mind is telling me that I "must" purchase, far too many in fact. I need to prioritise, the money well only runs so deep
The items, and an insight into my thought process is as follows..
White's SD's - I no longer own a "smart" boot.
Seiko Monster - My watch is a piece of shit.
IHSH-36 - I don't really own a "smart" shirt, that didn't cost me less than £10.
SExIHxNY 634's - I need new denim for 2013, and I'm going to the party so…...
IH-9526V - Sons Of Anarchy is restarting next week, and that always makes me want a vest.
A shit ton of comics - I love comics
The new heavy winter flannels - Just because they look awesomeThere's other stuff too, but the above list is the priorities (in no particular order). Do you guys have the same mental dilemmas as this on a daily basis?
I've been looking for a chesterfield for awhile now. Could never find one under $800-1000. Too much for me, as I kind of already have a nice couch in te small living room. But I also have a couch and projector(with cable TV) in my room. So, finally, I found one.
Urb, your new sofa is what is known as a "Chesterfield", and was was originally made in the town of Chesterfield, which is a mere 12 miles from my front door. Wikipedia will tell you that Chesterfield is a Canadian term for a couch, this is bollocks, it was adapted into Canadian English.
Chesterfield is where my mum was born before the family moved to greener pastures near Newark.
Also famed for its crooked spire of course:
My random announcement for the day is that I am getting a worrying amount of things that my mind is telling me that I "must" purchase, far too many in fact. I need to prioritise, the money well only runs so deep
The items, and an insight into my thought process is as follows..
White's SD's - I no longer own a "smart" boot.
this would be my number 2 or 3 option! first of all you need that sb vest!Seiko Monster - My watch is a piece of shit.
not necessary atm, check your iPhone to see what time it is!IHSH-36 - I don't really own a "smart" shirt, that didn't cost me less than £10.
as long as the "less than 10£" shirts look smart enough, you really don't need one of these. well atleast not atm!SExIHxNY 634's - I need new denim for 2013, and I'm going to the party so…
you've already given yourself the answer lad!…IH-9526V - Sons Of Anarchy is restarting next week, and that always makes me want a vest.
if you want to be a member of the "bad motherfekkers!" gang, you definitely need this in your life…and that asap!A shit ton of comics - I love comics
read Tommy'sThe new heavy winter flannels - Just because they look awesome
true that, so jeans and flannels at the party…sounds good to me!
There's other stuff too, but the above list is the priorities (in no particular order). Do you guys have the same mental dilemmas as this on a daily basis? -
Shoque has updated the Gallery
I like the new theme a lot
And it really works well on iPhone and Android….
I was once asked to leave a pub for throwing one of those at a friend when really, really drunk. The sofa was huge, and I have no memory of actually throwing it, or any idea as to how I could have accomplished such a feat of strength, or why I would do it.
Hahaha the Brits… This is why we always hate them coming over for the football world champions... They get drunk after two Duvels and start acting like hooligans...
We have a certain reputation to maintain you know
Rafa, the list goes a little something like this…
IHSH-36 - It's stacked.
SExIHxNY 634s - my main NY purchase
Vest - I wanna be a bad boy biker
Comics - Cheapness
Flannels - I could live without them, I just don't want to.
SD's - I miss my SDs.
Watch - Who needs to know time when you're looking awesome in your SB vest, and your heavy flannel? -
Urb, your new sofa is what is known as a "Chesterfield", and was was originally made in the town of Chesterfield, which is a mere 12 miles from my front door. Wikipedia will tell you that Chesterfield is a Canadian term for a couch, this is bollocks, it was adapted into Canadian English.
Chesterfield is where my mum was born before the family moved to greener pastures near Newark.
Also famed for its crooked spire of course:
Chesterfield is a grimm, armpit of a place, narrowly better than my own junkie infested pile of dung in Mansfield
Rafa, the list goes a little something like this…
IHSH-36 - It's stacked.
SExIHxNY 634s - my main NY purchase
Vest - I wanna be a bad boy biker
Comics - Cheapness
Flannels - I could live without them, I just don't want to.
SD's - I miss my SDs.
Watch - Who needs to know time when you're looking awesome in your SB vest, and your heavy flannel?that actually sounds good to me…so you have my "go!" for this one, now you only need Pam´s