American Football (NFL)
Big night tonight. FINALLY!
Yep, I will be tuning in as long as I can stay awake.
Ohh fuck…I have work during the Niner game this sunday.. NO!!!!
On God's day?!?! How dare you!
Got Eli as my fantasy QB so gotta watch tonight!
I have Nicks (NY) and Felix Jones (DAL)
Did I just see rookie David Wilson crying on the sideline in the first quarter? Who said the NFL wasn't entertaining?!? Hahahaha
Niners on locally (NY) tomorrow vs Packers. Channel 5 at 4:45pm. YEEEEEE!
Who wanna fuck with the Niners??!??? NO One!
Great game by the Niners…I love seeing Rodgers lose.
As for the Jets offensive
well the Broncos had a nice time with them pre season…they did look pretty good today though
Dear NFL
Please bring back the real refs
Zhivago -
Dear NFL
Please bring back the real refs
Mos def, man.
Anyways, first home game for the Niners. BEAT DETROIT!!
Those darn Eagles. Stomach has been in knots the last two Sundays!
Me too eagles & phillies my entire life
When I was a kid, I used to have a couple of LA Raiders shirts (now Oakland, I know, I know), and a couple of Raiders hats, and I really tried to get into NFL. The only problem I had was that it was on really late at night over here, and I had school the next day.
I'm going to make an effort to try and get back into NFL, I'll join in here as a lay Oakland Raiders fan, and I'm going to need Landon and Jeff to explain some stuff to me over beer next month. Is that cool with everyone?