American Football (NFL)
Might have to rethink my former allegiance, as I just did a little reading and saw that the Raiders are shit these days. My former passing support of them was started by an episode of "Knight Rider" I watched as a kid, and was spurred on by a later passing fad with gangsta rap, particularly N.W.A.
R u serious?!?! They haven't been good since the 70's.
My football (soccer) team hasn't been good since the 50's, I'm used to failure
Finally got NFL Network and Red Zone on Time Warner! So sweet!
Red zone is probably the greatest thing to have on Sunday's. Yes I know direct tv football package is best but this ain't that bad especially when u don't want to watch ur team play like shit. I fuckin hate Mark Sanchez.
They did look good today, didn't they? Still weird for me to say that, since they were so terrible for so long…
They def are looking pretty damn good. The Broncos don't look good at all.
Annnnnd Revis out for the season with a torn ACL.
I know iv been depressed since I found out…him being gone now eliminates just about any scheme Rex draws up. Our pressure is all but gone. Now the safeties will have to shy towards Kyle Wilsons side which will open up the passing game and running game for other teams. This is major to say the least
DD, do you go to the games? season ticket holder here. agree with your analysis re revis.
DD, do you go to the games? season ticket holder here. agree with your analysis re revis.
I usually go to 1 or 2 games a year. As much as i like going to games i have this condition that cripples me when they are doing bad in a game. I have these stupid superstitions that i do during games lol Like when i stand for an entire game without moving from my spot or when i sit on my couch with my legs , arms and believe it or not my remote in a certain way. In my sick head i think it helps the Jets win. Because i do all those things going to games interferes with all that. I know im a nut job but when ur a Jet fan u kinda have to develop shit like that
Just watched the highlights from the Steelers Vs Raiders game, looks like I picked a good time to get back on the bandwagon
Trying to think of something nice/ positive to say about your squad DD, just can't seem to figure out how. Love you though buddy! I do admire your loyalty though!!!
Play Tebow!!! Bring on the magic!!!
Might have to rethink my former allegiance, as I just did a little reading and saw that the Raiders are shit these days. My former passing support of them was started by an episode of "Knight Rider" I watched as a kid, and was spurred on by a later passing fad with gangsta rap, particularly N.W.A.
R u serious?!?! They haven't been good since the 70's.
come on lando my raiders have had a few good years since the 70's, hell we almost went all the way in 2000 and 2001 lost super bowl XXXVII
89-94 art shell/bo jackson/ time brown/ howe long -
Love em or hate him it would be tough to find a coach who could handle that atrocity with more class than Mike McCarthy. Sad part is it's gonna be at least one more week with these guys, at least.
Might have to rethink my former allegiance, as I just did a little reading and saw that the Raiders are shit these days. My former passing support of them was started by an episode of "Knight Rider" I watched as a kid, and was spurred on by a later passing fad with gangsta rap, particularly N.W.A.
R u serious?!?! They haven't been good since the 70's.
come on lando my raiders have had a few good years since the 70's, hell we almost went all the way in 2000 and 2001 lost super bowl XXXVII
89-94 art shell/bo jackson/ time brown/ howe longOkay you have had a few great players and a flash or two of success.
Wow that GB vs SEA game was something. I dont know about you guys but those refs either have to step up or get the hell out. I can't imagine how pissed off I'd be if that last TD call happened against the Niners.
Complete shit.
If this doesn't kick the NFL in the ass idk what will. That game was horrible!
Love em or hate him it would be tough to find a coach who could handle that atrocity with more class than Mike McCarthy. Sad part is it's gonna be at least one more week with these guys, at least.
Oh and DD, if you want to meet up Sunday to watch the Jets get murdered by my Niners, down to do that.
thought i would share. teeheehee